Re: [CR] Tricks for removing Fixed cup?

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme)

From: <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Tricks for removing Fixed cup?
Date: Thu, 08 Dec 2005 18:39:02 +0000

Great idea. I've thought about trying that in the past, but never got that stymied by a fixed cup (to have a chance to try that method). Just avoid frostbite when you handle the dry ice, and you should be good to go.

I have a fixed cup wrench that is extra-thick and quite long. It has never failed to break a fixed cup free, ever. I bought it years ago, maybe from one of the catalog places, I can't recall for sure. It's labeled "Zog's, Made in USA" and is almost 6 mm thick. It's 365 mm long, and weighs over 400 grams. Looks to be laser-cut maybe? I suppose it's highly unlikely that they are still being made, unfortunately....

Greg Parker Dexter, Michigan

Date: Wed, 07 Dec 2005 21:14:46 -0800 From: "K. A. Thomas" <> To: Subject: Re: [CR] Tricks for removing Fixed cup?

When I worked out at Santana for a while, we used to send someone on a run to Baskin Robbins for a little dry ice to put on the cup. The extreme cold usually caused just enough contraction of the metal to break things free...

Kirk "Yes We Really Did That" Thomas Arcadia CA

At 05:28 PM 12/7/05 -0800, Dale B. Phelps wrote:
>It's been in there forever, you know what I mean, for 35 years (the frame
>sn indicates 1970.) easy. And to top it off, its campi, so I don't wanna
>bugger the thing up. And its Italian, AND the frame is chrome. OK, given
>those variables, whats a schlubb to do to actually remove the thing?? Yes
>I DO want to be able to re-use it or even offer it for stupid-large money
>on squee-bay, as long as I am not asked on-list to comment or "weigh in"
>on list post-auction (let alone post-re-use!)
> Dale "what, minus four degrees this morning?!?" Phelps,
> Longmont CO