(Example: Framebuilders:Richard Moon)

From: "Norris Lockley" <norris@norrislockley.wanadoo.co.uk>
To: <Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 2005 19:03:32 -0000
Subject: [CR]PENNINE

The hand-painted top-eye plates were quite a feature of Bradford-built Pennine frames. I think the trend statrted as long ago as in the 60s after Johnnie Mapplebeck had split away from his former partner, ? Whittaker, to form Pennine.

The painting was done by Johnnie's wife..was she Muriel (?)..and the scenes that I have noted were often Alpine or Tyrrolean type miniatures. Unfortunately she died some long years ago, and no one had the heart to find a replacement.

Johnnie always seemed to look old...he was..perhaps still is a very slim wiry sort of chap with a great sense of humour. The frames were built in the basement of the shop in Ingleby Road..and Great Horton Road later on. I recall one day being in the shop to deliver some TVT carbon frames and a pair of Corima 4-spokes when Johnny rushed in through the door decked out in cycling Lycra, with a leather briefcase under his arm. After a gruff "Hiya" he disappeared downstairs where he quickly donned an engineer's smock and a pair of welding goggles....and then set about brazing up a frame. This would have been in about 1994, at a time when Johnny must have been in his very late 70s.

When I asked him "What gives with the briefcase..one minute the Lycra executive..the next an oily handed frame-builder?" "Just been to adult education class to brush up m' German. A' need to sprechen de German better, aufarht" When I asked him why, he said " 'Cos I need to be able to put those German autobahn polizia in their F******G place, next time they pull up for speeding!" Needless to say I looked at him with some incredulity, as I just could not visualise this semi-decrepit geriatric speeding anywhere. "So what's all that about. Johnnie?"

And so Johnnie explained that every year for literally decades he had been invited to "Star" in the equivalent of a German Grand Prix des Gentilhomme - a two-up time trial. He was a minor celebrity. On that occasion he had actually won yet again the trophy for his age- related section on his space frame low-profile, 24" front-wheeled machine, that resembled as I recall, one of those Bugatti multi-tubed jobs..and which Johnnie had built for himself just before the race. Apparently as he drove back in triumph towards Belgium and Zeebrugge, in his 28 year-old Toyota, he was pulled over by the Autobahn speed cops, breathalysed, but found to be not under the influence of alcohol> Nevertheless he was given a ticket and made to explain why he, an old man, who was not a German national, was driving a very old car at high speed along their autobahn, and made to explain what business he had in Germany. I remember Johnnie's face as he related his explanation..a sheer picture of boyish glee.." I've been cycle racing!" Obviously the cops thought that he was taking the p**s, and demanded the proof. To his great delight Johnnie picked up the trophy and handed it to the police who then demanded that they needed further proof. At this stage Johnnie had apparently opened the boot of the car, pulled out his meanTT machine, leapt on it and sped away up the hard-shoulder..leaving the cops somewhat speechless. No more was said...the proof was in those very old legs.

The last time I saw Johnnie was at the Harrogate Cycle Festival and Exhibition. We had been together at the MIlan Show and got on well together. At the Harrogate event we chanced to meet none other but rival Yorkshire frame-builder ( about 10 miles away in Leeds) Bob Jackson. immaculately dressed ( which Johnnie never could be) but hobbling along with two crutches, as his legs were starting to cause him problems. On seeing Johnnie and me together Bob shouted "What the hell you doing out with that old b****r?" ( Johnnie was slightly older but far more sprightly than Bob.) To which Johnnie replied " I might be an old b****r Bob but I bet you in your bl***y legless state couldn't have got under the hour at the Vet's TT last Sunday like I did!"

The last I heard of Johnnie he had let a member of his staff take over the business and he had set off, at the age of 83, to start a new life in Canada. Does anyone know of a 90+ year old framebuilder in that country..who is still laerning German..or maybe French now? But his lagacy to frame-building was his assisitant Chris Marshall who continues to turn out some beautifully crafted frames form his workshop in Keighley. I think there is a reference to Chris in the CR pages.

Norrsi Lockley, Settle UK