Re: [CR]Questions for the group

(Example: Framebuilders:Bernard Carré)

Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2005 09:33:15 -0700
From: "Doug Van Cleve" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Questions for the group
In-Reply-To: <>


Based on MY fixed gear experience, here are some answers. There have only been two cog tooth widths in recent history, 1/8" and 3/32" so you cog is one or the other. A 3/32" chain shouldn't fit properly on a 1/8" tooth cog , but a 1/8" chain will fit loosely on a 3/32" cog.

You need to have a decent chainline, but not perfect (at least with 3/32" derailleur chains). I commute on a fixee. When I first built it up I put the chainring in outer position based solely on appearance. I lucked into a cheap Spot guard and moved the chainring to the inner position. No difference of any consequence. Also, my chainring seems a bit egg shaped s o the chain tension varies quite a bit each pedal revolution and I have never had an issue. When doing trackstands or heavy leg braking the slop is a bi t annoying, but otherwise no problem.

You can put a Campy arm on a Shimano/JIS taper BB. The taper angle is the same, the arm will just sit out a bit further on a JIS BB than on a Campy. It is a good fix for Campy arms that are showing some wear on the spindle holes...

Good luck and merry Christmas :^)

Doug Van Cleve Chandler, AZ

P.S. On the chainline, I should probably mention that I have only used track hubs and maybe that makes everything less critical due to spacing (no t really sure).

On 12/9/05, <> wrote:
> I'm making a vintage fixed gear and I'm mounting an old Suntour Track cog
> to
> a Freewheel hub, locking it into place with a BB lockring. Easy
> enough. The
> cog is wider than conventional cogs- any idea on a chain size? Also, for
> future reference, is chain alignment critical? Finally, I know the answe r
> shops
> will give, but could you use a Shimano tapered BB with a Campy crank.
> Todd Cirelli
> Mechanicsburg, PA