Peter Kohler wrote:
> Jerry makes a good point re. Peugeot sticking an all French component list.
> And well beyond the PX-10 days. They were offering all French machines
> (even more so when they changed from Reynolds to Vitus tubing) into the
> early 1980s. And judging from that swell Peugeot book I've been savouring,
> they advertised this "Tous Francaise" quality. And for good reason. The
> only non French item on the spec sheet for the PY-10 c. 1981 is, oddly,
> an SR Laprade seatpost... I have yet to sort out just what Simplex were
> offering in an alloy, fluted seatpost during this period.
Hope you're sitting down Peter...
In 1983 and '84 Peugeot sold a model in Europe and the USA called the PZ 10 and PZ 10 D that was full Campagnolo (Record, Nuovo Record and Super Record mix of parts) with Cinelli bars and stem!!!
Frame was Reynolds 531 with long point lugs:
I don't know what other years the full Campy PZ 10 was offered, anyone know? "Tous Francaise" indeed!!!
Anyone else have info?
Chuck Schmidt South Pasadena, Soutern California