A subject close to my heart as most list members already know . I have to say that both Mick Butler and John Crump are correct in their comments on the subject on the non use of mudguards whilst racing. We were there and saw how other riders prepared their bikes ,surely this should settle any argument on whether or not mudguards were use or not!
I was a club member rider and time trialist during the the period at all distances and I never remember seeing any participant riding with mudguards/fenders. It has been mentioned they were removed before the event and replaced afterwards.In those days if it was too far away to travel to the event club folk would set out the day before , usually a Saturday , and carry their racing wheels on carriers afixed to the front wheel axle. They would book in at a bed and breakfast place where they would prepare the bike for the next day's race. This meant removing the every day wheels and replace with the lighter sprints and tubs along with the mudguards which most had quick release fittings making easy removal. All were replaced after the event when we would meet up with the non racing members for the day's club run.
The only comment I can make over the small spearpoint mudguard is it was used for partial protection of the face and hands becoming covered in grit especially if a rider had fitted their tyre savers which were also attached the front brake bolt. These did tend to throw up some extra amounts of water and grit. Lesser of two evils really either you got filthy or propably finish up with a flat tyre!
Doug Smith
North Dorset