OK here we go again, MUDGUARDS are they SPEARPOINTS?? Welded frames are
they lugless, yes they are!!! to me, who WAS there, MUDGUARDS where coverings
for the WHOLE wheel, to keep the rider somewhat dry, I never thought about
using spearpoints, maybe I should have, but in thoes days we only thought about
making the bike LIGHTER, adding anything that would increase this was not
done, not that spearpoints would have made that much differance, in Cycling July
13 1950 there is a photo of the great Alf Hill doing the Brighton and back,
WITH SPEARPOINTS, didnt seem to slow him down, so I guess it all in how you
look at it, BUT MUDGUARDS as I have said before to MY knowledge where NEVER used
for racing, NOW to change subjects, while on the topic on ACTUALLY RIDING
a bike, what NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS are you all making, I think we should
have this as a topic. To day I just got back from a 40 mile single fixed ride
on my 1950 Mercian, this is probly my last ride this year as we are leaving
for Rhode Island to visit my son Paul and the grandkids, I have just totaled up
my milage on all the bikes I have ridden this year and come up with approx
9K this includes my been off the bikes for 4weeks after been hit by a bloody
horse while riding my 1960 Claud, the horse was fine. I had 5 broken ribs and
broken shoulder blade, SO Next year I will aiming for 12k miles, PLUS to be
TO ALL., Cheers and best wishes to all, John Crump Oldbrit, Parker Co.USA