Hey Lou: what the hell you talking about?
We're all nuts in the most positive way or we wouldn't be fooling around having fun with all this bike stuff.
I think Brian is right on!
Think I'll send him a few power bars as encouragement. A growing boy has got to keep his strength up, you know.
Ted Ernst
Palos Verdes Estates, CA
> Julian Shapiro said: think most of us would be hard pressed to pull
> off 4
> hours 10 minutes. (I assume this was for a 100 miles and not 100 kilos)
> Julian, perhaps you haven't been to a gathering of CR listmembers. I
> have.
> Most of the guys and gals I've seen would be hard pressed to do a metric
> century in 4 hours and 10 minutes. I mean no offense to you animals on
> the list
> who can actually envision a sub 5 min 100 mile century.
> I read Brian Baylis's recent diatribe about doing P-B-P or similar rides.
> I
> don't know whether to laugh or cry.......Brian, have you lost your mind?
> Lou Deeter, Orlando FL