I just got a set of decals, they are not water slide, they're the printed "sticker" variety, just like the originals.
Jim Allen the CycleSmiths San Marcos, CA
PC wrote:
>Hi Garth (and Eric A in Santa Rosa),
>I was looking through the Excel Sports website and found Gio blue
>touchup paint, fork medallions, and Gios Super Record decals.
>I haven't used any of them myself so I don't know if they are water slide
>or not, but it might be worth a look.
>Peter Chu
>San Francisco
>-----Original Message-----
>agreed to paint my Gios in Gios blue. He doesn't like vinyl decals and
>he wants me to locate a set of Gios decals in traditional thin film
>type. Where do I get them?
>Garth Libre in Miami Shores, Fl.