Has anyone had any good or particularly bad experiences with Airglow Painting? I can't decide if this is an appropriate question to ask, however I would just as happily take my answers off list if the feedback from members is particularly personal or not of interest to the list as a whole. In any case I wish to thank the list for all the many responses that I have received from everyone. I most certainly could not have approached this project, being such a novice, without the support I already have gotten. If I were being charged at $50.00 per hour for expert professional consultation time, I would be at a week's salary now. Also I can not once remember over the past five years, how I may have helped anyone here, other than my many off beat stories or my garage sale of 2001, where hopefully members got good deals on vintage Japanese parts. I promise photos of my before and after on this latest project.
Garth Libre in Miami Shores Fl.