Lynn, I "did" a set of bars looooooong ago when hidden cables could be scene only in Euro photos, pre 1980 or so. Holes must be softly countersunk but even then I'd be wary. I had some Japanese bars that came from the factory VERY drilled; as in ALLOVER! Really cool. Nitto? Examine for cracks. Any? If so , trash um. Also see if they are stress bent i.e. droopy. Trash. Measure w/ a tape and against the same type and size "new" if in doubt. Changed some ooooooold Cinelli 66/42's a few years ago. Found that they had drooped so much that at the bar ends they were 1 inch closer then 42 centimeters!!!
enjoy, John T.Pergolizzi Brooklyn, New York
> The Cinelli handlebars of the 3Rensho I own are drilled for the brake
> cables. I asked at the LBS how to run new cables and was told I should
> not and that the drilling had probably weakened the bars.
> Comments, please, as to yea or nay?
> --
> Lynn Travers