Re: [CR]Re: The cycling pyramid (was 7 speed freewheel)

(Example: Framebuilders:Cecil Behringer)

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From: "Eugene Powell" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Re: The cycling pyramid (was 7 speed freewheel)
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2005 16:34:12 -0800
To: Donald Gillies <>

Damn guys, this logic can only lead one place and I know you didn't want to go there................. Bicycle messengers are at the top, OH the Horror On Feb 25, 2005, at 4:32 PM, Donald Gillies wrote:
> I agree with Sheldon. The cycling pyramid is logically ordered
> according to the cyclists who put the most hours into real cycling per
> day over their entire lifetimes.
> Racers might train 4 hours per day, but they only do it for 10 or 20
> years MAX.
> Tourists might travel thousands of miles, but then they stop until
> next year.
> Commuters ride every day, often 2 hours per day, every day from age 10
> until age 85
> (hopefully). This puts them well above Tourists and also above Racers
> - even
> professional ones - for their level of commitment.
> There exist some racers who convert into commuters when their racing
> career is over. These ones stand at the very pinnacle of the cycling
> pyramid. We commuters tend to think of those guys as Commuters who
> just went astray for a year or two ... *grin* ...
> - Don *grin* Gillies
> San Diego, CA
> _______________________________________________


Gene Powell
Rad Finishes
Portland, OR