Hello Everybody,
The subject line says it all! Well, not really. I have a friend who is turning to bicycles and will quite possibly be writing an article for a national publication about cross country bicycle trips. The problem is, he really doesn't have a bicycle now! I would love for him to start out with something really cool, and save him from the seductive purrings of a nearby Cannondale dealer.
If anyone out there has a touring bike in pretty good shape (particularly one that is cool, naturally!) I think he could be readily convinced to buy. Doesn't have to be vintage or KOF, but that would be nice.
I believe $1000-$1200 is the price he is looking to spend. Jan's offer of the "King of Mercia" was perfect except he would need the bike guts, too.
Thanks in advance, as always!
Ricky Garni Carrboro, NC
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