Great ride today, in February summer weather (it must have been pushing 60 degrees), on the plains of Colorado. Nice turnout. Frejus, Weigle, Schwinn, Eisentraut, Mercian, Redcay, and Bridgestone were represented. We spun about 50 miles at a respectable clip, with some of the most pleasant socializing I've enjoyed on a ride in quite a while. I unilaterally declare Mike Kone's Weigle the winner of the day's beauty points, and Los Gatos Dale's clean Frejus the class of the vintage class. Mike Wilkinson's immaculate Redcay would have been in contention in both categories, but I'd seen it before, so I picked the new bikes. Dale also gets style points for riding tubies in serious goathead thorn country, carrying no spare, and not flatting. Three people on tubulars today!
By the way, Kone isn't just a bike.... ahhh..... talker. He's got good form, a good spin, and good tempo. I'd do a long day with him any time, or with any of the CO guys.
Thanks, y'all. It was a good day.
Peter Bridge
Five more days in greater metro Denver, CO