--- "richardsachs@juno.com" <richardsachs@juno.com>
> hersefan@comcast.net wrote:
> "I can't take this much longer...<cut> but shouldn't
> we be
> re-named the ebay rendezvous list where we spend all
> our
> time discussing pet peaves..."
> i propose that discussing ebay practices and the
> critiquing of ebay listings and their veracity be
> off limits. i usually get no support on this one,
> but i hate to think of mike in agony. c'mon, let's
> give ebay a rest.
> chester, ct
It's the "shipping" thing hersefan is bonking on, isn't it? As for "critiquing of ebay listings and their veracity," when a listee posts, "There's a '62 whatever on ebay, what do you all think?," wouldn't that question be part of the reason for the existence of CR, discussion of vintage bikes? Richard, are you proposing to shun from helping a CR listee ebay-buyer of a vintage bicycle?
Just wondering if I misconstrued your words above, Joe Starck, masidon, wi