Dear Peter,
Excuse my ignorance, but weren't Dunelts "English Racers"? I mean, 3 speed Sturmey Archer and all of that? Mine was! Did they make actual racing bikes? Deraillieurs and such? That would be weird. I believe that I replaced my Dunelt with a Robin Hood. Now there's a name for you.
Ricky Garni
Carrboro, NC
> Hey Ricky!
> What kind of bikes do you have in your stable? Do
> you own anything that
> hasn't been talked about adnaseum on this list? Come
> on give us the whole
> scoop.
> Personally I'd like to read more about Holdsworth's,
> Bob Jacksons, Harry
> Quinn's, Mercier's, Dunelt's, Tom Kellogg, etc. This
> file it to death has
> gone on too long. By now you'd be down to simple
> filings. (s)
> Peter Koskinen
> Chapel Hill, NC
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On
> Behalf Of r garni
> Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2005 4:53 PM
> To:;
> Subject: [CR]now: what now? Bike limiting: a Jerry
> McGuire approach
> i feel like my future is
> > hindered by holding
> > on to so much of my past.
> Dear RS,
> I am not sure what you mean by this ... do you mean
> financially, in terms of
> attention devoted to, or one's ability to be
> overwhelmed by excessive
> content (of anything)?
> Or that attention to the past is prohibiting you
> from bikes of the
> present/future?
> Off Topic Aside (please forgive me): I read an
> article on Brian Eno some
> years ago and was surprised to discover that he only
> owned two keyboards: a
> mini moog and AKS synthesizer. His theory was that
> there was more to be
> gained by devoting one's attention undivided to a
> few things than scattering
> it among many upon many; also, in his words, "there
> isn't enough time in
> life to master one instrument, much less a bank of
> them."
> Granted, a surplus quantity of bicycles doesn't
> prohibit one from being a
> better rider. Nor should a builder devote his life
> to one frame. But I am
> lately of the mind (probably very unpopular on this
> list) to explore the
> idea of having a limited number of complete vintage
> bikes (I have far fewer
> than most
> anyway) and a cache of parts that could be used
> among if not all, at least a
> good number. This of course flies in the face of
> period correct,
> particularly if you are dealing with a particular
> bicycle that was fitted
> with very specific parts (for example PX 10s) but I
> wouldn't probably switch
> that out anyway. Is this financial sour grapes?
> Sheer laziness? (quite
> possible that one) If I were rich, would I just damn
> the torpedos? I don't
> know, but I do seem to think that there can be a law
> of diminishing returns
> on ownership, particularly with bicycles, that
> require maintenance and of
> course lovin' (sorry, riding.) Financially, too, I
> like the idea of making
> an annual event of switching out frames, considering
> the bicycle a modular
> device rather than one that is complete and
> unalterable unto intself and the
> year of its conception.
> It's a way of always having the ability to have a
> new "bike" without always
> buying one (I tend to forget rather quickly) and
> also a way of not spending
> virtually every cent on trying to maintain those
> bicycles that I do have
> (the kids keep on nagging me about having to eat,
> slightly annoying.)
> Anyway, a sacriledge, perhaps, but not my only sin
> today. I mean, I am at
> work, I should be working!
> Ricky Garni
> Carrboro, NC
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