It's been good seeing all the input re: the various tires. Putting it all together gives one a fairly good knowledge base. Brooks: The orange type tires you referred to were probably the red strip Clements, seta and seta extras. they were fast because they looked fast and that's why the fast guys had them. Seth: Your memory is good, the old stonecrusher tires came I think in 1'; 1-1/8"(most common); and 1-1/4. Production stopped at start of WW2 and never resumed after. Guys used 'em up during the war, as no sewups were being made. The old prewar six-day tires were Pye or Mitten, I think the spelling is correct, Pye being the most popular. Even the European tires were not as good, and harder to come by. After the war, Conti was the best with Clement and Pirelli next. I started racing in 1947, using sewups, and have never used anything else. Still like the handling and ride. A few sale items:
For unsewn sewups: Wolber Kit looks like a field medical kit. Neat little vinyl pouch, 4 x 8 cm. Includes: gel sealer tube, tube roll up key,(like on fish tin), puncture needle, valve adapter, and injection needle. NOS, clean and fresh, great to display. Pouch is white with following printing: necessaire reparation; WOLBER in red (tire) circle; boyaux 'liberty'; procede brevete. $8 shipped, in continental USA or Canada. Six available. Gel still pliable but at 20 years old don't know if it would still work. Made for the Liberty tubeless type "sewup".
One pair: DUNLOP NOS / NIB rubber tapered cycle rim tapes(strips), for Endrick rims, 1/2" wide. Stored in dark, in plastic bags, these feel like they were made yesterday, and date from late '60's. The old Dunlop box, yellow, red, and black.One box is a 9, the other 7/8. Great display case items. $22 shipped in continental USA or Canada.
One: DUNLOP chrome NOS hi-pressure pencil type presta tire gauge with pocket holder pen type clip. 3-1/2 " long. 50 to 140 lbs.Imprinted: DUNLOP, H.P. Cycle Tyre Gauge, No. 17, and then the patent nos., then Made in England. Probably '70's vintage. A nifty collector's piece. $18 shipped in continental USA or Canada.
One: similar piece, almost identical, no manufacturer, imprinted: Cycle Guage, Made in England. $13 shipped in continental USA or Canada.
One pair: English lightly used very clean cloth rim strips with the metal clip A gentle blast out of the past. Endrick rim use, 1/2" wide. I've had these for about 20 years and it's time to let someone else enjoy or use them. $5 shipped in the continental USA or Canada.
Ted Ernst
4140 Via Nivel
Palos Verdes Estates
CA 90274
> Seth wrote:
> These skinny single tubes also came in a natty red color,so Vivid is
> nothing new.
> I often wonder:
> Whatever happened to the orange tubulars of my youth? I never had a pair
> but it seems the fast guys always did.
> Brook Watts
> Longmont Colo