Re: [CR] Campagnolo drop-outs

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme:2004)

From: <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Campagnolo drop-outs
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2005 20:24:09 +0000

Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2005 14:40:41 -0500 (EST) From: To: Subject: [CR]re: Campagnolo drop-outs

As a collector I should probably be last to comment on this. Are we collectively saying that ounce for ounce these are worth more than gold? Are we to believe this is the only set in existence, if so was it a one off?

A non collector trying to rationalize a collectors mentality is difficult. When a collector tries to rationalize a value like this then that raises the discussion to a whole other level.

Is there a super CR list where only the elite among us dare discuss the relative rarity of parts and how they are valued. Is there a sub sub culture that looks upon mere mortals like I and says "boy your out of your league". I have seen many questionable prices for what seemed to be " rare " only to see another one appear a few months later on ebay. Does a price like this cause others to scour the old bike shops or their own parts bin to materialize another.

Probably everyone of these deals that I have seen seem to be legit. Having gone through training on money laundering prices like this would tend to raise the suspicions of government agencies in any other business but collecting. I guess this is just my way of saying, what the heck?

Ray Homiski Elizabeth, NJ

Hi Ray: Emotion is pretty difficult to rationalize, I think. Bragging rights amongst elite peers too, for that matter! All I can say is I've never, ever seen another pair of these. They are a pretty amazing time-capsule thing. The bidding was breathtaking, and way too rich for my blood, but I can see how an elite Japanese (or other) collector might "Jones" pretty badly for these dropouts. Their condition was also stunning! I am reminded of the old saying about Bugatti Royale automobiles: "you can never pay too much for a Bugatti Royale, you can only pay it too soon." When a local Business man here in the Detroit area paid $8.5 million for one many years ago, people thought he was nuts. Three or four years later, when he sold it for $12 million, he was "brilliant." C'est la vie..... Greg Parker Dexter, Michigan (near The Motor City)