I have the following for sale if any might be interested.
A Cinelli Super Corsa bike, 56 cm ct (54 cm cc) with 56 cm cc toptube, serial number 8373 M. It is the pinkish (I'm bad at describing colors) champagne color. It has the 26.2 seat tube. It is virtually all Campagnolo Super Record, except the braze-on shifters are Simplex with replacement screws for attaching them. It has a braze-on front derailleur. There is some rust on the rear brake cables guides, some rust on the underside of the headtube lug on the chrome. The Columbus decal is not in good condition. The Cinelli decals are in good condition. It comes without a saddle, tubular tires, and derailleur wires.
If any are interested, I can give more detail and jpegs. If no one on the list wants it, I will put it on Ebay either Thursday night or Friday morning.
$750 plus shipping: $20-40 via Fed-Ex Ground, depending upon where you live.
Thank you.
Tom Hayes Chagrin Falls, Ohio, where it started to sleet and snow again today