RE: [CR] breaking away

(Example: Books)

Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Subject: RE: [CR] breaking away
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 15:06:00 -0600
Thread-Topic: [CR] breaking away
Thread-Index: AcUws40H4WXvvmSURh+VPid83CifRgAAT/Uw
From: "MacKinnon, Kevin S." <>
To: "Silver, Mordecai" <>, "Classic Rendezvous" <>

Per, Gary Rybar was both "bicycle coach" and "bicycle rider."

Kevin S. MacKinnon Partner Katten Muchin Zavis Rosenman 525 West Monroe Street Chicago, IL 60661-3693 Tel: 312/902-5285 Fax: 312/577-4504

-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Silver, Mordecai Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 2:54 PM To: Classic Rendezvous Subject: Re: [CR] breaking away

Greg Parker wrote: "I remember at the time of the film Breaking Away, the rider that actually rode in that scene (was it George Mount perhaps? I can't recall right now...) was somewhat apologetic in an interview about it, because he "only" went 58 mph during filming....!"

I believe it was Gary Rybar behind the semi.

Mordecai Silver NYC _______________________________________________

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