Ray; I haveto back you up on your opinions. AS you know I recently joined to Wheelman and in the last few weeks I've talked to a number of Wheelman in the Midwest area about High Wheel cycles and value, and have also attended numerous Copake Auctions over the years where Antique cycles are always at auction. Folks around the country, whether the Midwest or the coasts are aware of price, and maybe years ago in the central parts of the country, bikes were less expensive, but doubt that is the case today.
Years ago you could roll up to a farm in the rural parts of Maine and meet farmers and possibly come away with bargains, but because of better communications via the internet etc, most people are better aware of value, and bargains are more scarce. If you go into Antique shops or attend swap, many bargains can be had, but you need to know what to look for. Except for cycles, I certainly would not. Plenty of those turn up on Antique Road Show, but the show only airs to us the few that got great deals that were steals.
Peter Naiman
Shorewood, WI
> No I don't think so. I am a Wheelman and follow and
> receive copies of the
> national magazine and attend the national meets.
> Unless you find some
> farmer that has a high wheel stuck somewhere in his
> barn and he is totally
> in the dark and needs money bad you will not find a
> hi wheel bike for $600
> - $700 - $800 that is in rideable condition. Trust
> me, the wheels go for
> more than that. My offer still stands, you got it,
> I'll buy it.
> Over 6 years ago I was looking for my first hi wheel
> bike and ran across
> one in rural Pennsylvania on a farm. The old
> gentleman took me to his barn
> to show me the bike. It was all there, all except
> structural strength. The
> steel was now Swiss Cheese as was the wheel and
> several spokes were
> missing. No where near rideable and it will never
> be. He started at $1800
> and of course I walked. Yes that was ridiculously
> high for that condition
> but that is my point. A rideable condition will not
> go for $600 no way.
> Hell, some people ask more than that for the silly
> boneshaker repop from
> the 70s and that is a piece of junk.
> As an example, I just pulled one of my copies of the
> Wheelman magazine out
> from April of last year. For sale 1886 Columbia
> Expert $5,500, 1882
> Columbia Expert $5,000. Both from that inexpensive
> mid western area of the
> country. I just think the guy showing those bikes on
> TV was way off base
> to claim that one like that could be had for $700. I
> guess it helps to gin
> up the hobby.
> Ray Homiski
> Elizabeth, NJ
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===== Peter Naiman 4420 North Ardmore Avenue Shorewood, WI 53211
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