Julian, Back in the dark ages I was putting together a bicycle for my wife to ride around our neighborhood and I bought one of those lady's Falcon frames from Proteus Design Bicycles in College Park, Maryland.
That frame was indeed made from Reynolds 531. Also, it had a brazed-on shift lever boss for a rear derailleur. (The frame was intended to be set up as a five speed.) It's not clear from this photo whether or not the frame being offered for sale has the same feature - but if it does, I would suspect that the 531 decal is genuine.
By the way, the brazed-on boss was threaded for a Simplex shift
lever mounting screws, which used a different pitch than the
Campagnolo "standard".
Best regards,
Fred Rednor - Arlington, Virginia, Estados Unidos de America
> http://newyork.craigslist.org/
> Interesting 3 speed. Is that Reynolds sticker a late addition
> or merely old?
> Julian Shapiro
> Sag Harbor NY
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