[CR]Criticizing other's posts...be gentle (at first anyway)

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot:PX-10LE)

From: Tom Sanders <tsan7759142@comcast.net>
To: "Classicrendezvous@Bikelist.Org" <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2005 08:15:13 -0500
Thread-Index: AcU0YVdrKx6YMNGMTCG/eQqxHqmlKw==
Subject: [CR]Criticizing other's posts...be gentle (at first anyway)

Occasionally we get a post which there is a great deal to find fault with. When we get such a post, perhaps we could remember that we were all new to this list once. If a person seems pre-occupied with the financial value of something or seems to be just mining the membership for information on prices it gets our hackles up a bit. This is understandable. However, nothing is more confusing for the newer folks collecting something as subjective as vintage bikes as value. Nearly all bikes are bought by those who acquire them. Parts too. Some of the members may not be well heeled and what to pay for these items and what to sell them for can be crucial as to whether they can afford to pursue this hobby. Folks feel, rightly I believe, that the list is an excellent source of knowledge for them. It certainly has been for me. We are getting rather long in the tooth on this list and hopefully new members will be signing on and becoming more active. It is very important that these folks be made to feel welcome and that their posts will be responded to gently and with patience if a bit over the line or inappropriate and that really scathing criticism (of which I'll admit to having made some) be reserved for very serious issues. What I am saying is this. Try a gentle and patient approach to the faults you perceive in other's posts until the poster really shows themselves to be an ass hole. Then unleash some broadsides, or let Dale weed them out. Try and not make new posters feel that we are a hostile environment. A gentle admonishment can accomplish a lot, sometimes, and if it does not, there is plenty of time to load up our big guns on folks who truly abuse our hospitality. Sorry if this comes off as Holier Than Thou...I have been accused of this in the past and recognize my tendency to veer off in that direction.
Tom Sanders
Lansing, Mi