Yes, there were *some* that got turned into frames. I had a chance to buy one out of new york, but that never materialized... Apparently Cecil did a rainbow-like titanium oxide treatment on some. Curt Goodrich showed me some fork blades that were done up by cec. very cool!
John Barron Minneapolis
<> wrote:
> According to local Minnesota lore, Campy made 25 or so of these ti
> horizontal drop outs for Cecil Behringer for his silver brazing attempts
> with titanium. As many may know, he was an avid metalurgist and many feel
> was the first at least to silver-braze titanium frames. Some had single
> eyelets, some without. I believe John Barron may have a few words about
> these, as the last few pairs he acquired came out of Terry Osell's shop
> here in Minneapolis.
> Mike Knudsen Saint Paul, Minnesota
Which raises the obvious questions: Was the silver brazing process viable? Did any get brazed up into a frame or frames, and if so what became of them?
Kurt Sperry
Bellingham WA