In keeping with Dale's admonition to keep within the CR List timeframe as well as with the theme of this year's Cirque in mind, I offer the following incident which occured today:
I was cycling on my '69 Peugeot PX-10 just coming onto the Capital Crescent Trail here in Washington when a '70-ish Citroen 2CV suddenly backs onto the path from the Potomac Boat Club. As all Peugeot riders do, I relied on manuvering rather than Mafacs and narrowly missed being run over. But it was a good opportunity to exhaust my vocabulary of French swear words and rude hand gestures (best used simultaneously), thus keeping the whole incident wholly "prototypical". I don't see too many 2CVs around here, but I am going to be run over, please let it be at least by a Citroen DS.
So sorry Dale, no photo of me, properly clad in wool Peugeot BP kit and cap and my Peugeot crushed underneath a 2CV. It would have made a swell Cirque poster.
Peter Kohler
Washington DC USA