Well, I never had the luxury of mounting M-71s on new shoes (never planned to do that many miles on the death traps), so I just extended the cleat line on the shoes I was converting, and used that to align the M-71 cleat. Alternatively, attach the pedal to cleat, set the shoe in place, mark it with a couple of nails and try it gently. We'll get it done one way or 'nother.
harvey sachs mcLean VA
Jerome & Elizabeth Moos wrote:
> Not sure how you would ride the M71s without the cleats, though.
> Regards,
> Jerry Moos
> Houston, TX
> HM & SS Sachs <sachs@erols.com> wrote:
> Jerry Moos wrote:
> While I'm on the (on-topic) subject, I have a couple of pairs of
> M71's, and I need to have the cleats mounted on some shoes. I have
> some retro leather soled shoes for this purpose. Are these simply
> nailed on like the old steel cleats? Did they use the same nails?
> Also, I haven't had a pair of cleats nailed to shoes in a couple
> of decades. Will shoe shops still do this, or will they look at
> you as if you are crazy? Would they have the proper nails these days?
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> I can bring my shoemaker's anvil to Cirque if anyone needs to have
> cleats mounted to pedals. I do not charge, but donations to the
> Auction Fund are welcome. Heck, you can borrow the anvil and
> hammer and do it yourself!
> I'm sure that Proper nails are available, but for the last decade
> or so I've been reduced to using various brads. If anyone can find
> a box ! of a couple of hundred of the proper ones, please let me
> know - I'll buy them from you. Of course, might need two different
> lengths. They must be long enough to turn under inside the shoe,
> preferably after the insole has been removed and will be reglued.
> Before mounting cleats, it is really helpful if you ride with the
> shoes of choice without cleats, to let the pedal show where it
> wants the cleat. I also suggest putting some duct tape at the
> inside of the front of the toe clip, to set the shoe back a bit
> and offset the tendency to jam the foot forward while riding w/o
> cleats.
> Harvey "If I had a hammer" Sachs