bryant, you are correct, i was mistaken. jade was the name of woman who he -- so i was told -- waas teaching how to build at one point.
galen pewtherer san francisco, ca
On Thu, 21 Apr 2005 19:42, Bryant Bainbridge wrote:
> "his wife (ex i believe) was/is named jade, and was indeed a bicycle
> clothing designer, although i have no idea what she is doing today."
> Her clothing line was called 'Emily K." Still have some hanging in the
> closet. She made stock sizes of shorts & Jerseys, but was one of the
> only custom makers of the era. She made my jerseys in 1976. I thought
> Michael was making frames then (not sure) and I also thought her name
> was Emily, not Jade, which coincidently was the name of Chris Pauley's
> wife, both also of Santa Barbara.
> Bryant Bainbridge
> Portland, Orygun