I wasn\u2019t going to do this but, since I was a first timer to the Cirque,
Dale suggested that I might write about my experiences. Maybe interest
others who have resisted taking the plunge. So, here goes. DIVE IN! We,
now that I\u2019ve gone I think I can say we, all know how great this event
is. But, in trying to put the experience of it into some kind of
familiar (at least to me) context, all I could think of was the
experience of doing a stage race. Now, for those of you who have never
done one, its like being on another planet. You live, breath, think, and
order your life in terms of the race and the bike. That\u2019s how enveloping
stage racing is and that\u2019s what the Cirque was like for me. And all in
the best way. I\u2019m a news addict. I read the NY Times everyday, I listen
to the radio news, I watch the evening news. At the Cirque I forgot
there was a world out there that had news that I was missing. And I
didn\u2019t care. Coming back on Monday early morning, was like reentering a
world that suddenly seemed a bit strange, a world that had gravity,
i.e., my real life. I really had a blast. The rides on Friday and
Saturday were just amazing fun even if Jan Heine would not stop
extolling the advantages of riding 650B wheels. Riding and talking with
Richie Sachs, and Peter Weigle, with Roman Stankus, Dick Poole, Billy
Rounds, and others to numerous to mention was just a pleasure, even if
Richie refused to get off my case! At least he didn\u2019t criticize my bike
handling. Meeting all these people, most of whom were just disembodied
names from posts on the list, was great, and now that I can put faces to
their posts I won\u2019t be so intimidated by some of their BS. Tom, you just
had the wrong dish at Libby Hill. I told you to order the clam strips.
They are to die for. Having lived in Greensboro some 30 odd (very odd)
years ago, I was just itching to have a go at that place again. And, of
course, Dale seemed to divine that and in what seemed like just a few
minutes after arriving with Les Himmel, off we were whisked to where
else, Libby Hill\u2019s and dinner for 20+. I knew then that I was gonna
enjoy this weekend. For me there were lots of high points. Many have
pointed out that its about the people and, of course, I agree. But, its
about all these people living and breathing the thing that has dominated
more than half my life, bikes. Riding \u2018em, looking at \u2018em, talking about
\u2018em, etc., etc., etc.
I\u2019ve known Mike Barry for almost 30 years and it was a real treat not
only being able to spend the extended time with him and Clair, but to
watch him receive what was a long time coming. Real recognition for what
he does and has been doing for so many years. Preserving the heritage
and history of this sport and, translating it into a modern context with
his bikes. Way to go Mike!
Now, if anybody lived up to, and even exceeded, my expectations it was
Pergolizzi. I\u2019ve known him, lets just say for awhile, but his auction
performance was a piece of resistance. How anybody could talk so long
and so fast, while at the same time insulting and demeaning us, and all
for a good cause even silenced me. Which was lucky, cause if I had even
twitched my lip he would have taken as a bid on something I definitely
Sunday\u2019s show was a whirl to me. If it wasn\u2019t for Chris Kostman\u2019s pics
I\u2019m not sure I would remember anything. I have never seen so many
amazing machines in one place. This exceeded by tenfold what they put on
at the Eroica in Italy last fall. I seemed to be walking up and down the
rows unable to focus on individual bikes but eventually I got over the
initial shock and got to see just how dedicated each of us are to
keeping these bikes alive. BRAVO!!!!!!!
I\u2019ll stop now. Just one last note. Dale you are an amazingly generous
person. None of this could ever happen without you. I tip my hardshell
helmet to you.
Edward Albert
Chappaqua, NY