Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Date: Tue, 31 May 2005 14:12:50 +0200
Thread-Topic: WTB french 70s Reynolds 531 decals
Thread-Index: AcVl2hBaODFC3e7tS4G6tbPYSodJWA==
From: "Feeken, Dirk" <>
To: <>
Subject: [CR]WTB french 70s Reynolds 531 decals
I'm searching for a 1974 Alex Singer restauration historically correct
french Reynolds (green 531) decals for frame and fork (" garanti
construit avec...", "fourreaux").
Originals preferred, of course but very good reproductions are also
okay. The Singer shop where the frame will be repainted doesn't have
proper decals anymore.