> It might be worth giving the fork blades a close examination.
> I think the PR-10 fork blades were made from seamed tubing and
> sometimes you can see this seam on the trailing edges of the
> blades (especially in the chromed section).
> No matter what, this bike is still one of the most beautiful
> looking bicycles from that period that I've seen.
Oh, no doubt about that. Not too long ago on eBay there was a NOS PR-10 or similar for sale, I think from Canada. Amazing it sat for that long in a shuttered bike shop. Now one can carp about all manner of things with Bike Boom Peugeots, but sorry I still think this classic white livery is one of the most elegant and striking ever put on a bike be it a UE-8, PR-10 or a Masi-made PX-10. I was sorely tempted to bid on a gorgeous '71 Raleigh Pro Mark II frame but I just can't ride a BROWN racing bike. Even if they call it "mink", it's still Vega Brown! I did have a Sprite 27 that same colour. Even worse.
Peter Kohler
Washington DC USA