Re: [CR]Trying to find Ochsner information

(Example: Books:Ron Kitching)

From: "Galen" <>
To: <>, <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Trying to find Ochsner information
Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 20:59:06 -0500


These frames were made is Switzerland if I recall, and I think that medium blue was the team color. Ochnser USA was based in Chicago, and also imported other items such as the beautifully made Edco components. I'm not sure if Ochsner is still in business, but a Google search ought to answer that quickly. As you may know, the frames were probably made to order by another manufacturer, which is a common practice still. Although many of the Ochsner frames came equipped with Campagnolo, some of them were outfitted with Edco, which made the headsets, cranks, and bottom brackets. The brakes were Weinmann, and the derailleurs were the higher end Simplex units, all alloy. Wish I could get you more information, but when I lived in Urbana/Champaign and frequentled Paul's Bike shop, Ochsner didn't seem to have much interest in communicating with the plebes in the shops then. Doesn't sound like things have changed much.

Galen Poole
Jackson, MS

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2005 3:19 PM
Subject: [CR]Trying to find Ochsner information

> Hi all,
> Recently acquired an Ochsner frame. It's steel, blue, with chrome under
> the paint, and 126 mm rear spacing. This places the frame in the 80s??
> time frame. Does anybody have any info on Ochsners. I'm just trying to
> find some more information on this bicycle. I've emailed Ochsner USA and
> they have never responded. Thanks for the help.


> Roland Hilgarth


> Lexington KY