Re: [CR]Varieties of Jubilee RD

(Example: Framebuilders:Bernard Carré)

Comment: DomainKeys? See
Date: Thu, 19 May 2005 20:12:18 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Fred Rafael Rednor" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Varieties of Jubilee RD
In-Reply-To: 6667

First: The other week, Harvey Sachs showed me his Jubilee RD and it seems to have the same screw you describe. At the time we were examining and discussing this RD, we were convinced that this limit screw was a "home brew" adaptation. Perhaps not...

Second: I recently became the owner of a Jubilee RD meant for use with a Huret dropout. This derealleur came off a Motobecane Grand Jubilee frame and, unlike the other RDs I've seen on these bicycles, it is a long cage variant. Despite that, the freewheel on the bicycle was a 14-28.

Third: If we never get the full story for some of these anomolies, I will not be surprised.
     Fred Rednor - Arlington, Virginia (USA)

--- Jerome & Elizabeth Moos wrote:

> It's been discussed several times that there were several
> versions of the Huret Jubilee RD for different DO types, but
> I don't know that it has ever been defined exactly how many
> variations, or what the exact differences were. I have some
> Jubilees with a tab cast into the body that matches up with
> the notch on a Campy DO. I also have Jubilees that lack this
> tab. How is the RD rotation limited on these latter ones?
> Do the keyed washers used on other Huret RD for this purpose
> work with Jubilee? Recently, I've acquire two Jubilees with
> no tab, but with a threaded hole in the body very close to
> the upper cable stop where the cable enters the RD. The
> angle of the hole is such that a screw threaded into the hole
> woud be roughly parallel to the hub axle. If a screw were
> theaded from the inside, it could concievably contact a Campy
> DO notch and stop the rotation of the RD.
> At first I thought this was a homebrew to adapt to Campy DOs
> a Jubilee RD not designed for them, but there are several
> facts that now persuade me otherwise:
> I have TWO such RD's and the drillings seem identical.
> The hole is very small, about the same as for the RD limit
> stop screws, which are quite small on Jubilee. Also, it
> initially appears a screw threaded into the hole would block
> the cable routing, but it just misses it. This is awfully
> delicate and precise machine work for a homebrew.
> Anyone ever seen a Jubilee like this? Anyone know exactly
> what the variations of Jubilee were?
> Regards,
> Jerry Moos
> Houston, TX
> _______________________________________________

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