(Example: Books)

Date: Tue, 03 May 2005 19:51:20 -0400
From: "HM & SS Sachs" <sachs@erols.com>
To: Classic Rendezvous <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>, Ken Sanford <kanford@comcast.net>, ternst <ternst1@cox.net>

Ken Sanford wrote about a [CR]EBAY outing - VINTAGE SCHWINN PARAMOUNT TRACK BIKE, Ebay item number 6529436553.

It is not unreasonable that the bike may be a 1940 or so Paramount from what I can tell. However, much has been changed. The wheels, and the bar&stem, are much younger. The chain, a wear item, is forgivably a skip-tooth roller, not a block chain. The frame was refinished and re-decalled, probably in the 1970s: decals date from then. Cranks and saddle (oval sheild Brooks B17 narrow) look original.

I say this from comparing with my recently refinished '38 model. Which allows me to again thank all who helped out: Ted Ernst, 15/17 Torrington spokes, chain adjusters for dropouts, and NOS Wipperman block chain; Larry Black, 22 mm. spoke nipples in 0.072", Waterford for the frame restoration, Ken Toda for the promised pix, and all those at the Cirque whose admiring looks and encouraging comments helped me feel really great about the restoration. Only one problem: the bike decided to become a rider, not just a wall queen. Too much fun not to ride.

harvey sachs mcLean va.

Damn sellers (in this case a consignment shop) who sell bikes and don't know squat about them!

This bike purports to be a 1940 Schwinn Paramount track bike but when I try and find out some basic info and measurements I get the response: Im sorry, this bike is assembled and we can not take it apart to count the teeth or to measure the tubes. We are selling this item for someone. Thanks for your interest


Of course no relation to seller, etc. Bike located in Kenosha, Wisconsin...

Ken Sanford
Kensington, MD