[CR]"Boring strings"? Witcomb, Masi, Eddy Waring?

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Avocet)

Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 08:04:05 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Dale B. Phelps" <losgatos_dale@yahoo.com>
To: wheelman@nac.net, classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
In-Reply-To: <51036.>
Subject: [CR]"Boring strings"? Witcomb, Masi, Eddy Waring?

Now now now, for our off-continent friends, lets not get our collective nose out of joint.

Thanks to CR members I have in my stable a Witcomb (cool bike), a Wastyn's-sold PX10E, and even a non-paramount schwinn thats "of interest" or (our fav phrase) "on topic." Alas, I confess the Schwinn is still in a box - the "early" Shimano 600 group turned out to be non-arabesque (what I'd said I wanted), the Witcomb is hanging from the rafters after detecting ripples in the top and downtube from a front-ender ("I didn't notice that," said the seller), and the PX10 has a near-foot-long 1/4" wide paint scrape on one of the top tubes. I also have a squee-bay bought California Masi that CR's signature banter so thoroughly thrashed while it was at auction, that I was actually able to afford a bike that the Masi-o-philes say is FAR more valuable than the three-day's pay I kicked out for it. Ironically, it is a near-time-capsule bike in far better condition with far more cared-for mojo than even the (evil?) e-bay seller had described. So THANK-YOU wicked sky, gpvb, and others for the armchair critiques of that stranger's Masi offering, and for those members the other bikes came from, no comment here ;-)

The fine art of wry commentary is lost on most of us yanks, we're also inclined to assume the worst of others, and collectively...as well as individually, ignore most of our more glaring faults.

We Yanks know Phil Liggett but haven't a clue who Eddy Waring is. The hundreds of bike crafters from the Land of the Rose are for the most part lost upon us as well, and for me the educated commentary and history of them from our friends and members from the Isles are a huge relief and welcome repast.

So please gang, consider the lesson CR is teaching me. Llets try not to be so heavilly defended that a comment is seen as an attack, and lets temper our readiness to spar, lest we discourage the sharing of cycle history that is what CR offers us.

Dale Phelps, Longmont CO

wheelman@nac.net wrote: With the hope of breaking the boring strings that seem to go on endlessly, here is a bike you do not see often at all. Many more MASI, Pogs, Peugeot, even Rene Herse bikes come up on ebay but this is the first I have see of these. Just wish it were my size.


Ray Homiski Elizabeth, NJ _______________________________________________

Dale B. Phelps, 303 939 6967 303 208 8664 pager

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