In an email...think it was on the List Martin Coopland mentioned Pavone frames..a frame from the early days of his riding career, bought in a Halifax bike shop.
It is unlikely that any of these crossed the water, but just in case one or two turn up..and to answer Martin's question...these too were made by MKM, in Harrogate. The "PAVONE" name, I was told, means "PEACOCK" in Italian. the frames were made to the order of another cycle shop in Halifax UK owned by the Peacock family. I remember quite an exotic head tube transfer.
In another separate post to the List a reference was made to a good framebuilder at MKM...his name was Steve Elsworth..he was foreman builder. Steve built all the one-off and unusual frames, such as the "Ultimate" USWB testing frames. When MKM bit the dust Steve set up his own company nearby and traded under the "OMEGA" (NB No connection at all with current Omega company , owned by Mark Joint)). Steve built largely for the trade under other people's transfers, including quite a lot of frames for the USA. Was there in the early 80s a brand called "Vulcan"? Later, when established, Steve went on to build under his own name, producing some stunning testing frames, tandems and triplets. Just before he swopped frame-building for making kitchen cabinets..he claimed that making top-quality frames..about three per week (no spraying)..he couldn't make a living....Steve produced a small number of elegant retro frames based on Ephgrave designs.
Norris Lockley..Settle UK