So I did the first day of the Utah MS-150 ride yesterday ... 75 miles through northern Utah and Southern Idaho (first time I've ever been to Idaho, by the way).
During the rest stop in Franklin, Idaho, I saw a gentleman with what he claimed was a 1960s vintage Italian Masi. Nervex lugs, Nuovo Record parts (he said he still had all the Universal stuff that came on it originally), original orange paint.
I'm not sure if he was the original owner, as he said that he'd had the bike for about 30 years ...
Said that the year it was maid (1966/67?) there were only about 220 frames made, and that most of those went to the racers that worked with Masi (i.e., Merckx, et al).
Beautiful bike.
Now, I kind of get it.
But I still prefer my modern classics.
Steven L. Sheffield
stevens at veloworks dot com
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