This one got painted in Cheltenham, back in 1981. I always thought of it as a bright "school bus yellow", very thickly applied, btw. 28-31lb, as shown.
I'll be riding it around lake Tahoe tomorrow.
David Snyder
Auburn, CA USA
> On 06/04/2005 05:21 AM, "MARK" <> wrote:
>> While browsing ebay, I came upon this statement regarding a new bike
>> offering.
>> It seemed contradictory, so I opted to ask here rather than question the
>> seller:
>> Mine are all in LEGAL YELLOW - this color is called that as it is illegal
>> to
>> put on bikes, scooters, or cars in some areas of Europe. This is the
>> perfect
>> color if you want to be seen; on track or in traffic.
>> Can anyone enlighten me on this?
> He's probably referring to "emergency yellow", the color that fire engines
> and other emergency vehicles and warning signs are often painted ...
> Although I've never heard of it actually being illegal to paint private
> vehicles this particular colour anywhere.
> --
> Steven L. Sheffield
> stevens at veloworks dot com
> bellum pax est libertas servitus est ignoratio vis est
> ess ay ell tea ell ay kay ee sea eye tee why you ti ay aitch
> aitch tee tea pea colon [for word] slash [four ward] slash double-you
> double-yew double-ewe dot veloworks dot com [foreword] slash