I have had to cut my own steerer on several occasions. The Park tool that I have allows you to adjust the depth of the cut. It means it is going to take me several passes to get the job done, but that is okay if it means shipping the frame in time or building a frame for a 6'6" giant.
At 10:37 AM 6/5/2005, OROBOYZ@aol.com wrote:
>I wondered at the response of Mssrs Peter White & Troy Courtney.. are you
>folks ready to cut a full length of new threads in a chromed steel steerer
>At CDO, I am not willing to use our VAR or Campagnolo (especially) or even
>Hosan thread dies on such a time consuming and potentially damaging task!
>Also, in the real world of use, rather than the theoretic world of ideal
>steering geometry, bikes can have an amazing tolerance for different fork
>and blade lengths. Many Italian bikes of the 1970s + used a set fork offset
>for every size in the line, most often 45 mm.
>Dale pragmatic Brown
>Greensboro, NC USA