
(Example: Framebuilders:Tubing)

From: "C. Andrews" <chasds@mindspring.com>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2005 15:07:24 -0700
Subject: [CR]pogliaghis

Greg Parker wrote:

I dunno - early 1970s sounds pretty plausible. Parts may be non-original, and this one has been ridden hard and put away wet, so to speak.... Serial number would tell the tale, I guess. Long dropouts, foil Columbus decal, tons of, uh, patina.... Looks very 1970-1973 to moi. Even has the crappy Italian bike-boom chrome on the fork. Greg "Pogs everywhere lately!" Parker Ann Arbor, Michigan"


The serial number would tell the tale.

Two things about that bike..first, the badge is of the simple *SP* - in-a-wreath variety. Which I thought was a mid/late 70s artifact at the earliest. It would be nice to know of the *world-championship-wins* badge was used interchangeably with the *SP* badge. I have a feeling that might be the case..

Also, the larger triangle cutouts in the sides of the lugs of the blue Pogi on ebay suggest late 70s manufacture..or later even. But, again, the exact look of the lugs may have varied by lot rather than by date.. be interesting to know if individual lugs were custom to some degree (as in, a client said, "give me the lugs that have..." or Sante said "here are the lugs available...choose").

The bike on ebay would not be as early as '73 though. I dunno when the main graphics-and- design changes occured, but it must have been between '71 and '73 to judge by the various Pogliaghis I've seen that are dated with some accuracy. The blue one on ebay doesn't look like one from that period.

Surely someone out there in the retail or wholesale bicycle world would know all this stuff, or maybe one of the authors of the Custom Bicycle would know. Be nice to nail some of this down.

Charles Andrews SoCal

"What concerns me is not the way things are, but rather the way people think things are."

- Epictitus