[CR]Francaise Eddie Koepler

Topics: History:Norris Lockley
(Example: Production Builders:Teledyne)

From: "Norris Lockley" <norris@norrislockley.wanadoo.co.uk>
To: <Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2005 10:54:47 +0100
Subject: [CR]Francaise Eddie Koepler

I like the comment about the bad way in which this bike is dsiplayed for photography.! Perhaps to the seller this Koepler is just "another bike" just in the same way that the fellow who recently under-displayed his 1936 Reyhand, and even mis-spelt the name.

Whereas with the Reyhand there was something to enthuse about, if you knew the marque, there is not too much to get excited about with the Koepler.
>From what I remember about this brand, rather than marque, is that it is a "top-of-the-range" brand from the manufacturer Bernard Dangre, of Dangre-Starnord bikes, whose brands Starnord and Paris Sport were imported into the States by Victor Sports of New Jersey.

Now that statement might not be exactly correct because this company, based in Valeeciennes in N. France had a close cooperation with Cycles Delcroix - there was some marrying between members of the two families - based in the nearby spa town of St Amand-les-Eaux. Both towns feature from time-to-time in the Paris-Roubaix "Hell-of-the-North" route. (there was a nice Delcroix on French Ebay last week, but it didn't reach its reserve).

Delcroix had, "had" being the operative word, because I think the company closed in the late 80s early 90s, a better range of bikes than Dangre, complete with track, cyclo-cross, randonneuse etc etc..all of which were built on a semi-massed production basis, but with quite a lot of handwork in there. The company also produced frames under the "Jean Stablinski" name after the former "Hard-man"champion. I think that Stablinski worked for the company in a PR role, may even have been a Director, as Poulidir was/is for Cycles France-Loire.

Probably, on reflection, the "Koepler" came from Delcroix, but it might just as readily have rolled out of Bernard Dangre's worksho, representing possibly his company's "haut-de-gamme" model to compete with Delcrpoix's "Stablinski" in a type of family rivalry. B

The question remains as to the identity of M. Koepler.. and although I had heard that he was an amateur champion I have been unable to verify that information..

As to the quality of the frame in question.. possibly Vitus 171, or 3-tubes Reynolds, Bocama lugs, probably long-point, not too tidily brazed-up. little attention to detail filing and finishing.. fairly poor metallic paint finish ( I havve seen Koeplers in "polychromatic mid-blue and polychromatic light green), and then those self-adhesive decals that rub off all too easily. But as for riding.. excellent handling and good response! What more do you want from a bike - a work of art?.

Norris Lockley ...remembering camping in St Amand-les-Eaux in April 1983, the morning before the Paris-Roubaix.. and the great local beer we managed to knock back..settle Uk