Norris Lockley:
> >As for other pop-stars who ride bikes I think that Elvis Costello
> >a Bob Jackson, Mike Harding a UK star folk-singer rides a Bespoke, and
> >a Speedwell, and John Helliwell, leader/saxophonist of "Supertramp"
> >rides a Corima Monocoque, a TVT Carbon 92, a 1972/73 Masi Gran Criterium
> >(made in the States by a member of this List perhaps), a Raleigh Record
> >Ace.. and will shortly add a Vitus 6061 aluminium/carbon steed to his
> >stable.
Larry Hakim:
> Though not a "pop-star", our former tumbling president, Gerald Ford owned
> custom-made Bob Jackson back in 70's if I recall correctly. Wonder if he
> ever took a spill or two on it??? ;-)
> It would be intersting to see a list of all the celebrity-owned classic
> racing bikes from that era.
Craig Montgomery, Tucson:
Tim Weisberg riding his Colnago on the inside cover of "Night Rider", 1979.