RE: [CR]snobbery

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme:2002)

Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 16:13:44 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: RE: [CR]snobbery
From: <>

To me the beauty of this hobby is that there is room for all types and attitudes. There is no right answer to this condition only acceptance of each others style of collecting. Who cares what you do with your bikes, so long as they are yours I have no say. Cut them up, paint them brown and purple with pink polka dots. The relative value of the bike will be how desireable it is to the masses. If you care less about the relative value that is your business. Personally I ride everything and anything but that is me. If you have an in the box MASI twin plate from 1973, I have no problem with you putting the box on a shelf to look at, it's yours to do with what you like (legally of course).

Last week I rode with a group of list people in Prospect Park Brooklyn. There were several valuable bikes being ridden in a closed loop course that was pretty busy yet there was no apprehension to ride and enjoy the bikes. Even John Pergolizzi who rode his very nice, clean Confente did not baby it but rode and enjoyed the day. I would completely understand if John wanted to put it in a glass case but his choice was to ride. What ever floats your boat. Enjoy the ride or put it on the wall, that is your business.

Ray Homiski
Elizabeth, NJ