[CR]TdF Conspiracy Theory...

(Example: Framebuilders:Tubing:Columbus)

To: Classic Cycling List <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
From: "Bob Reid" <robertrreid@tiscali.co.uk>
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 15:55:55 +0000
Subject: [CR]TdF Conspiracy Theory...

You've got to see the parallels here that might lead you to conclude that Lance is part of some US led conspiracy that first became evident in 1952 to rob the French of a potential tour winner...

- Four years earlier a UFO crashes at Roswell, depositing four Pantani like creatures in the desert. - The U.S. explodes the first hydrogen bomb in the Marshall Islands. - One media format makes it's first appearance on the TdF - The film "An American in Paris" is released. - One TdF Rider dominates in all the stages in the alps. - 19 years later Lance is born.

Hardly coincidental. I mean who would need performance enhancing products with that kind of help ?

Great stuff this - mostly culled from the official TdF website. I would not be surprised if l'Equipe come looking for confirmation.

Well done Lance.

Bob Reid