RE: [CR]PX-10 a racer? - the look

(Example: Bike Shops:R.E.W. Reynolds)

From: "Roman Stankus" <>
To: "'Sheldon Brown'" <>, "'Daniel Artley'" <>, <>
Subject: RE: [CR]PX-10 a racer? - the look
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 22:11:51 -0400
In-Reply-To: <p06230939bf0aab438c9c@[]>
Thread-Index: AcWRKEfY5K5sXIqwTEqUgF5Y7jXxkgAWJQZg

Sheldon wrote:

"I believe that stock PX-10s were actually raced in the Tour de France.

There is nothing about any other racing bike of the day that would make it fundamentally faster. The PX-10 was one of the lightest frames around."

So - how much less did a PX-10 weigh than an everyday mortal bike and how was the weight savings achieved - was it the frame, the parts, wha...?

It seems that in the last couple days, there have been several references to the lighter than air qualities of the PX-10. I've ridden a number of high quality lightweights including a campy equipped PX-10 that was given to me (the frame) when my Colnago met it's untimely end. I can't say that I ever noticed the weight thing as being a significant comparative issue with any of the classic bikes I've ridden. The PX-10 rode fine even though it had been in a front-ender and had a little less rake than factory spec! That bike held me over until my custom McLean was built.

To me the best thing about the PX-10 was the entire graphics concept it "swam" in - the whole deal - bike, jersey, sox, cap, on and on - so classy. A powerful integrated look with timeless color scheme. Besides Peugeot and Raleigh, who else had a "look" as strong(graphically)and enduring associated with a bike brand. I'm sure there are others from earlier times? Being a teen in the early 70's, Peugeot and Raleigh are the ones that I remember from the mags.

Roman Stankus
Atlanta, Ga.