Hint for people with French 531 frames: Don't try to close the Campagnolo
clips around the cable housing, it won't work. One must put on the clips an d then thread the housing through. Wish I knew this before I put some chips i n the paint of my Bartali trying.... Kurt Sperry Bellingham WA
On 7/26/05, ogreer@bellsouth.net <ogreer@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> Jerry thanks for bringing the tube dia. to light for me. I remember
> trying to get a few threads started on the cable clamps,but, that was
> before I brazed on top guides. That may be why a French Frame,just looks
> RIGHT! Smaller on lower tubes and larger on top,and presto ,it's
> balanced perfectly visually. I could usually pick out a a frenchie
> hanging on a hook,but,never knew why. Bob,sorry if I mislead you. Dickey
> --
> fineartscrimshaw.com http://fineartscrimshaw.com