Re: [CR]Complaint of the day- Do folks read Ebay ads !!

(Example: Production Builders:LeJeune)

Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2005 16:39:05 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Mark Poore" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Complaint of the day- Do folks read Ebay ads !!
In-Reply-To: <004601c5871b$e9dcde00$d18fe744@D687QV01>

This happens all the time. Just recently I had a Tommasini frame and fork on ebay. The title said that much, the first sentence said that much and a looker hit the buy it now button. I guess it was my fault for posting photos of a complete bike. I relisted it and took photos of just the frame and fork. Then there are always, and I mean always folks who ask for the measurements of a frame when it is all in the description. Oh well, I guess it is all in the business of doing business. Someone once said the only dumb question is one that isn't asked. Apprently the person that coined that phrase didn't have to respond to the question at the Vail customer help desk when a guest asked "At what elevation do deer turn into elk?"

Mark Poore wondering if it is going to rain today.....drops of water are falling hard from the heavens in Slatyfork, WV

cmontgomery <> wrote:

> This is a bit of a complaint, but also a bit comedic.
> When most list members list items on Ebay, most are
> thorough in the descriptions included as I try to be.
> Occasionally we all miss details, but that's why Ebay
> allows the potential bidders to ask questions.
> Regarding the BSA I currently have on Ebay, my ad
> clearly states the following;
> "Rim are Dunlop Stainless 26X1&1.4", 40/32 combination
> rear to front with what appears to be newer stainless
> double butted spokes. Tyres are later Michelins. I've
> misplaced the chain, but it will be supplied with the
> sale once I dig it out of my pile".
> Just recieved an email from a fellow from overseas
> wondering if the spokes are later additions, and if a
> chain is included. This is like someone walking into a
> door that clearly states,"please use the other door",
> and wondering why it doesn't budge.
> Peter Naiman
> Shorewood, WI

As a reading teacher this does not surprise me at all. The poor boy got all hot and bothered looking at the pics, read the description with less than polished skimming and self-monitoring skills, and then zoomed off an email while hyperventilating. Tell him you charge extra for the chain and see what happens.

Craig "here, breathe into this paper bag" Montgomery in Tucson


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