Re: [CR] Nail catchers: Automatic Tyre wiping

(Example: Framebuilders:Tubing:Columbus)

In-Reply-To: <p06230911befc4edceddd@[]>
References: <a05210639befc461a2ab2@[]>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 10:30:29 -0700
To: Sheldon Brown <>,
From: "Jan Heine" <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Nail catchers: Automatic Tyre wiping


I apologize. I remembered reading something to that effect on your site, but I hadn't bothered to look it up. In any case, I did not quote this to prove anybody wrong, but just to point out that there are very smart people who disagree with my conclusions.

Jan Heine, Seattle, where bottles still are flung out of car windows, sometimes aimed directly at cyclists, sometimes not
>Jan Heine wrote:
>>Often, you barely pick up a thorn, piece of glass, etc., and it
>>barely sticks to the tread. As you roll further, this debris gets
>>hammered into the tire. (I know that many, including Sheldon Brown,
>>claim that it isn't so,
>I _never_ said that, and don't believe that.
>I am an occasional tire wiper, and used to use tire savers ("nail
>catchers") back before Massachusetts enacted bottle deposit
>requirements. The glass problem is now much less here than it was
>before, and there are no goatheads in New England.
>Sheldon "Flint Snatchers" Brown
>Newtonville, Massachusetts
>Happy Bastille Day (also my 61st birthday) to all!
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