Re: [CR]Baltimore Vintage Ride Report

(Example: Framebuilders:Tubing)

Date: Sun, 17 Jul 2005 16:33:05 -0700 (PDT)
From: "John Barry" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Baltimore Vintage Ride Report
In-Reply-To: <>

Hear! Hear! Excellent report Tom.

Thanks to Dan for his hospitality and all his efforts in bringing this gathering to pass. I was finally able to put some names to faces - though I unfortunately had to leave soon after the ride to make it to work - which left much of the task undone.

I thoroughly enjoyed the morning, and certainly hope Dan is inclined to do this again next year as well - hopefully with better weather.

I also remember: Pete Geurds, Raleigh Professional & Raleigh Super Grand Prix (with an AW hub); Harvey leaving us in his wake despite wearing sandals.

John (White Fuji) Barry
Mechanicsburg, PA

--- Thomas Adams wrote:

> It's Saturday, the 16th of July, the riders are
> arriving at the Classic Rendezvous ride start in
> Parkton, Maryland. Our gracious host Dan Artley has
> once more opened his home for a bunch of crazy bike
> riders to infest the place, do some riding, ogle
> some old steel and generally enjoy ourselves.
> Not having the time to drive down the night before,
> I leave New Jersey at around 0500 hrs for the 200
> mile trip. I arrive without incident around 0815,
> so I hang around at the local gas station so as to
> not intrude on Dan's slumbers. But after 20 minutes
> or so, I decide it can't hurt to drive by the house
> and see if anything is stirring. Well, a big crowd
> already! I pull in and start unloading.
> Dan asked for extra bikes to be brought for show and
> tell, so I brought 4: the '49 Ephgrave, '54 Algurn,
> '82 Stan Pike and '05 Goodrich (that's 2005, a KOF
> bike). I was going to ride the Algurn, but the
> steamy weather and fitful spits or rain convince me
> to ride the Pike, equipped as it is with mudguards.
> The weather was close indeed, and threatening rain
> as we get ready to go. How humid? When your
> sunglasses fog up while you're standing around
> before the ride, it's humid. The 10:00 ride starts
> right at 10:30, and immediately I'm rewarded for
> riding the Pike, which in addition to mudguards is
> packing a triple crank. Dan's house, of course, is
> in a valley, so any ride always starts with some
> climbing, and I'm painfully reminded of my flatland
> training grounds, advancing age and excessive
> poundage. But after a few miles the roads flatten
> and my blood pressure returns to normal and away we
> go.
> Dan gave us some excellent maps and cue sheets, but
> Maryland is rather crowded with roads running catty
> corner and hither and yon. It's quite common to run
> into a knot of riders on the next intersection,
> conferring to establish the right route.
> Everything is going swimmingly until around 17
> miles, when the threatening rain finally starts
> falling. On my own at the time, I miss a turn and
> end up in a small town with no one around me. No
> problem though, as a friendly liquor store is there,
> so I duck in to check my now sodden map and ask for
> directions. Of course it's rude to take up the
> staff's time with no business done, so a quick pint
> passes over the counter while the clerk points me
> towards the next turning. Suitably refueled, I
> pilot the Pike back down the road thru the lingering
> drops. I'm probably the last one back, but at least
> I don't emulate Steve Maasland who last year turned
> the wrong way on the rail trail and invaded
> Pennsylvania.
> Dan as usual put out an excellent apres ride spread
> of food and drink, and folks are mingling and
> talking all over the house and deck. We watch the
> end of Stage 14 (taped) as Lance ups his lead on the
> main challengers and then it's time to pack up for
> the trip home.
> Before I sign off, congrats and thanks to Dan for
> another excellent ride. The hills beat me up
> everytime, but the scenery and company keep me
> coming back.
> I think there were at least 30 folks there, but my
> memory is insufficient to even try a complete list.
> Here's a partial roster of names and bikes I can
> remember:
> Harvey Sachs, Weigle (Wiggle) tourer
> Wayne Bingham, Custom Baylis mit Pacenti lugs
> Larry Osbourne, early '60's Carlton (lovely)
> Paul Lee, Italvega Super Corsa, Geoff Butler,
> Raleigh Pro
> Paul Raley, magnificent orignal Jack Taylor tourer
> Rita Lee, Raleigh International
> Dan Borden, Richard Sach Tourer, Viking, Jack Taylor
> Curve tube, Raleigh Professional
> Ken Sanford, Cinelli SC
> P.C. Koehler, 753 Team Pro Raliegh
> I remember a bunch of other nifty bikes, but I can't
> put names to the owners so I'll leave that to the
> brethren to add in. Sound off if you were there,
> and tell us what you rode, and add to this list.
> Another great day of vintage riding!
> Tom Adams, Shrewsbury NJ
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