Re: [CR]Viscount/Lambert rating

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot:PY-10)

From: <>
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2005 21:30:49 EDT
Subject: Re: [CR]Viscount/Lambert rating

In a message dated 7/18/05 7:18:31 PM, writes:

<< I'm puzzled by all the Viscount death stuff, and particularly by the

fellow who described Viscount as "junky". >>

I think more likely those who writing up about the death fork =junky is ignorant of Lambrt's/Viscount innovation and quality of light weight bike in early 70's.

It turned out to be a serious mistake in design/use of material, BUT we should credit to those who tried to be better. Bcause of those failures and expereinces we have what we have today.

The use (or replacement) of Tange fork is a great fix-up (or make-up) for the trouble, but Campy's cheap Valentino type of profit seeking sorry results (parts) are never getting spots light, why?

Because we all like to speculate "death-XXXXX" dramatic stuff to criticize! But under the glorious success of "Record" stuff, there are some cheap cheating sorry history of "junky" pages that we should know.

The Lambert did innovative stuff, not like some manufacturer's doing as under cover of the renown brand name shining over!

Best Regards,

KEN TODA, High Point, NC