Just seen Freek's posting and so here is my response. Basically if you get
an email bid from a zero rated buyer from a part of the world not renowned
for their interest in foreign bicycles, beware! Then, after checking, cancel
the bid!
North Lincs UK
> Hi Freek,
> No, the nationality had nothing to do with it! I have worked in Malaysia
> most parts of the world, including Holland and though I haven't visited
> Thailand I have been close to the border! Nationaity did not come into it
> and it was only when I was tipped off about the scam that I grew wary. The
> first email I sent to establish credibility sounded warning bells with a
> lack of understanding of what he was bidding for. With the fact that a lot
> of rogue bidders just happen to be Thai based, which I believe is due to
> lack of rigourous banking laws that allow a bank draft to be cancelled.
> Just sharing experiences, not casting slurs on nationalities.
> Nigel