Re: [CR]re: nice Colnago on ebay

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Cinelli)

Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 15:21:30 -0800
From: "Chuck Schmidt" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]re: nice Colnago on ebay
References: <006101c5a33c$f5aabda0$6401a8c0@oemcomputer>

Charles Andrews wrote:
> It's worth noting that Ken's Pantografata on ebay is a NOS
> show-bike. Let's say it sells for $6K (just a guess, mind
> you, I have no clue *what* it will go for..something like
> this is practically a one-of-a-kind). The second you take
> it for a ride, and put a little wear on the
> impossible-to-find outer chainring, your NOS bike is no
> longer NOS and is probably worth about 3K.
> I dunno about you, but I don't care to lose that kind of
> bread in one ride. Better to spend another 2K on a beater,
> and preserve your investment.
> The problem here is much the same as the one that faced
> anyone who bought those NOS Masi GCs still-in-the-box, that
> John Barron was selling awhile back. What to do with it?
> Hedonism says "assemble and ride, and don't worry about it."
> The investor says "assemble and show and never ride it."
> The nutcase says "never take it out of the box." I can see
> reason in all three points-of-view. Just depends on your
> inclinations.

Interesting points Charles... John Barron's still wrapped Masi GC was NOS unridden condition by definition. Ken's Pantografata is NOS unridden condition because it is so stated in his auction.

It's a simple matter to replace parts on a barely ridden bike (freewheel, chain, brake blocks, tires, etc) and then the bike is NOS? Is there a way to document that a bike has never been ridden?

My Bianchi Centinario has been ridden but I'd defy anyone to find any "witness" marks showing that it has been ridden, once I put another NOS freewheel on it (there are no marks on the chainring when viewed with magnification by the way, I just checked, other than the marks made by assembly with a chain and adjusting the gear shifting in the stand).

A huge significance and worth has be placed on this bike being unridden. Documentation? I'd add that typically a bike is assembled and then test ridden to insure everything works correctly. Is it considered unridden?

In the end it would come down to implicit trust in the seller. Amazing that the people on the list that know the details and particulars of this bike have chosen to remain silent. Testimony to the power of The Wrath Of Ken™.

Chuck "Wouldn't ride Eddy's Hour Bike but would certainly ride an NOS 'unridden' Mod. Colnago Super Pantografata" Schmidt South Pasadena, Southern California
